Field Informations

Your Grabovoi Number

Positive numbers only. We will not process numbers that harm anyone. If you're not sure about your number, please go here

Purpose of Your Grabovoi Number

e.g. for health, for business success etc.

First Person or Second Person Affirmation

First Person affirmation example:

"I Rachel Morgan, am manifesting, unexpected money".

Second Person Affirmation Example:

"Rachel Morgan, you are , manifesting, unexpected money".

Voice preference

Listen to the sample recording on this page to help with your preferred choice

Your Choice of Music

For the product with this option [Track 7 & 8] please fill in name of the artist and name of the song

Customize your Grabovoi Message/Special instructions if any

Enter how you want the message to be read, if you have a different preference than the samples on our site.

If you do not have any preferences, we will use the default format described in the sample tracks on our main page.

Here you may also let us know if you have any special instructions.