Breaking News: Suramin for Autism
Suramin available at:
Vaccine King Pfizer CEO
A vaccine developed in such short time and forced on the population
PLANDEMIC | Exclusive Interview With Dr.Judy Mikovits | BANNED on all Social Media
In an exclusive interview with Dr.Judy Mikovits by Film maker Mikki Willis (author of the book Plandemic ) Dr.Judy exposes the individuals behind the planned pandemic. Please show your support for Dr.Judy’s selfless and fearless service for humanity exposing the perperators of this worldwide scam and depopulation agenda. You can purchase her book: Plague of Corruption: […]
Places you can work at without the vaccine shot [Banned Video on Social Media]

Ever thought of places to work for where a vaccine jab is not required? Here’s a list of prominent employers compiled by Dom… Related Video: Religious Exemptions From Taking The Vaccine